The German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has defined its own market process for the exchange of communication data in the new version of GPKE (Business Processes for the Supply of Electricity to Customers). As of 1 October 2022, communication data must be exchanged in the new EDIFACT format PARTIN instead of the Excel contact data sheets that have been used up to now. This affects all suppliers, network operators and metering point operators in the electricity sector.
With the format change in the German market communication from 01 October 2023 (decision BNetzA BK6-22-128) the use of PARTIN for the communication of contact data will now be extended to all market roles in the electricity sector.
With a solution based on SOPTIM Elements we will support you in the process of exchanging contact data of all market partners.

Your benefits
- Complete market role processes from a single source
- Fully automated exchange of contact data
- Rule-compliant market communication
- Introduction to the new product world SOPTIM Elements
Service overview
- Import of market participants from the previous system (e.g. SE:BKM)
- Display of market participants and highlighting of previously transmitted communication sheets
- Automatic or manual generation of messages for listed market participants
- Manual generation of messages for own communication datasheets possible
- Display of the transmission status of sent contact data (CONTRL/APERAK)
On our new solution platform SOPTIM Elements we offer you customised, standardised solutions to meet your needs and processes. All our solutions are complemented by the takeover of the technical operation. We are also happy to support you with competent consulting, project management and BPO services.